.. -*- Mode: rst -*- .. _installation-page: .. include:: project-links.txt .. include:: abbreviation.txt ============== Installation ============== Dependencies ------------ PyOpenGLng requires the following dependencies: * |Python|_ 2.7 * |Numpy|_ * freetype-py * PyQt 4.9 for the high level API and the examples Installation from PyPi Repository --------------------------------- PyOpenGLng is made available on the |Pypi|_ repository at |PyOpenGLng@pypi| Run this command to install the last release: .. code-block:: sh pip install PyOpenGLng Installation from Source ------------------------ The PyOpenGLng source code is hosted at |PyOpenGLng@github| To clone the Git repository, run this command in a terminal: .. code-block:: sh git clone git@github.com:FabriceSalvaire/PyOpenGLng.git Then to build and install PyOpenGLng run these commands: .. code-block:: sh python setup.py build python setup.py install .. How To Install PyOpenGLng The PyOpenGLng project is hosted on `github `_. Requirements Building & Installing Download and unpack the source, then run the following commands in a terminal:: .. End